Wednesday, November 20, 2013

PlayStation4 Release Pros&Cons

  The PlayStation4 was released just last week and there was a conflicting response. Some people found the the PS4 had major flaws to it. A few of these include, not being able to upload your MP3 files, or customize your home screen. Also your PS3 wireless headset is not compatible with the PlayStation4 system. These problems are just a few that have been reported with the PS4. Another is the infamous red line of death and bent HDMI inputs, that were reported by a large amount of people who picked up there system at the midnight release. Now you might be thinking well if all this is wrong with the new system why bother picking one up?? Well there are some pros to the new system as well, such as the ability to use your PS Vita system to remotely operate your system or use is as a second screen for offline multiplayer matches. You can also multitask like a boss on the new system. It's well capable of running more than one application at a time. These improvements along with the problems still make the new Playstation4 a well worth system to get. 

Leave a comment below and let us know what you think of the new PlayStation4.        

Monday, September 23, 2013

Need for Speed the movie???

  Well it was confirmed at E3, the makers of the hit video game Need for Speed are making a movie based off the new game Need for Speed Rivals. Now i know what your probably thinking, ohh another movie based off a video game. Look what they did to Resident Evil. They put in there own over powered character who has nothing to do with the original game, and that turned off a lot of people But there might be some good news. Dream Works pictures will be producing the film, and the main character will be played by Aaron Paul from the hit show Breaking Bad. It will be directed by Scott Waugh who also directed such movies as Act of Valor. Those are some big names in movies, so be on the look out for Need for Speed tthe movie. It is set to be released in spring 2014. For more info go to Need For Speed  

Monday, September 2, 2013


    MadSky Gamming is dedicated to bringing you the latest info on games. We've just gotten started, so our site isn't registered with Google yet. But don't fret you can still reach us by typing  into your standard search bar. We just started recording commentary for games, and we have a couple game trailers for some of the newest next generation consoles. Be sure to comment tell us what you think.